Featured Projects:
Lake Shore Elementary
Rockview Elementary
Completed Projects:
Atholton High School
Central High School
Churchill Road Elementary School
Earle B. Wood Middle School
Francis Scott Key Jr. High School
Hayfield Middle School
Howard County Vocational School
Howard High School
Kenwood High School
Laurel High School
Magruder High School
Maryland School for the Blind (Phase I & II)
Montgomery College (Germantown)
Montgomery College (Rockville)
Mount Hebron High School
Parkville High School
Perry Hall Middle School
Pine Spring Elementary School
Southgate Elementary School
Therapeutic & Recreational Riding Center
Towson University
Waverly Elementary School

Project Description
Project consisted of renovations and additions to an existing elementary school. This project required the demolition and reconstruction of approximately 90% of the existing elementary school along with the new construction of a gymnasium, administration area and additional classrooms.